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Workplace Wellness.

Why Invest in Employee Health & Wellbeing?

Employee health and wellbeing - both physical and mental - is linked to better productivity(8). As an employer you have an important role to play in improving the wellbeing of your employees and Full Circle Health & Wellness can help.


Did you know that 1 in 6 workers will experience depression, anxiety or problems relating to stress at any one time (1)(6) and this is responsible for 44% of all cases of work-related ill health and 54% of all working days lost due to health issues(2). In fact mental ill health is responsible for 72 million working days lost and costing the economy upwards of a staggering £91 billion each year *(4)(5)(10).

1 in 5 people take a day off due to stress. Yet, 90% of these people cited a different reason for their absence.

A major driver of poor health is that people simply aren’t getting enough sleep or vegetables (10) and these lifestyle factors contribute to mental ill health as well as chronic health conditions.  

It is important to note that not only those who are directly suffering from mental and physical ill health experience productivity losses, but also those who care for them (8).  Women in particular are nearly twice as likely to have a common mental health problem as men (7)(10).

Every year it costs businesses £1,300 per employee whose mental health needs are unsupported (4)

"work-related stress, depression or anxiety accounted for 50% of all work-related ill health AND this is increasing"



Mental ill health is a growing problem in the UK workplace, increasing both absenteeism and ‘Presenteeism’ - a phenomenon where your employees are at work but not actually being productive (8).


A whopping 45% of UK workers are suffering from presenteeism, and it’s reported that this leads to businesses losses of over a month each year per employee (10). Mental ill health is a main driver of presenteeism with people reluctant to disclose mental health problems to employers through fear of stigma and discrimination (8)(10) .

Productivity has been dropping steadily since 2014, with businesses losing over a month each year per employee.

SOURCES (1) McManus S, Bebbington P, Jenkins R, Brugha T. Mental health and wellbeing in England: Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Survey 2014 [Internet]. Leeds; 2016. Available from: (2) Health and Safety Executive. Work-related Stress, Depression or Anxiety Statistics in Great Britain 2019 [Internet]. 2019 [cited 2020 Jan 6]. Available from: (3) Mind. Work is biggest cause of stress in people’s lives [Internet]. 2013. Available from: (4) Centre for Mental Health. Mental health at work: The business costs ten years on [Internet]. 2017 [cited 2017 Oct 16]. Available from: (5) Stevenson D, Farmer P. Thriving at work: The Independent Review of Mental Health and Employers [Internet]. 2017 [cited 2017 Nov 22]. Available from: (6) Lelliott, P., Tulloch, S., Boardman, J., Harvey, S., & Henderson, H. (2008). Mental health and work. Retrieved from (7) Stansfeld, S., Clark, C., Bebbington, P., King, M., Jenkins, R., & Hinchliffe, S. (2016). Chapter 2: Common mental disorders. In S. McManus, P. Bebbington, R. Jenkins, & T.Brugha (Eds.), Mental health and wellbeing in England: Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Survey 2014. Leeds: NHS Digital. (8) Jan 2020 (9) Dec 2021 (10) Britain's Healthiest Workplace Survey 2014-2019  and ONS Data. *Different studies estimate the cost of mental ill health in different ways. Research estimates vary from £35–£99 billion each year (4)(5)

1:1 Employee Consultations.

For a personalised service Full Circle Health & Wellness can organise 1:1 consultations with your staff - in office or virtually.  


For the biggest impact and best results we recommend a series of 3-4 consultations over period of 3-6 months. You can choose to fund, subsidise or pay for the initial consultation, with employees opting in to continue to work with us.​


The initial consultation consists of a 45 minute intake where we deep dive into your employees health concerns. lifestyle and goals. Functional lab recommendations will be given tailored to specific needs.


Follow up appointments consist of personalised wellness plans, lifestyle recommendations, check-ins and adaptations to plans. We can provide ongoing weekly email support.​ 


What can employees expect?

  • To feel supported in their health journey - by you, their employer and by  a qualified and supportive practitioner.

  • A guide to support them on their wellness journey - they will have to take the action themselves.



Looking for a more comprehensive service? Full Circle Health & Wellness can deliver a series of 8 talks based and adapted from the DESTRESS protocolR covering the below modules. Talks can be tailored to the audience for relevance and improved effectiveness.


  • Diet & Nutrition - Focusing on the foundation of all diets we will touch on bio-individualisation, food sensitivities and fasting protocols.

  • Exercise - Covering the benefits of exercise and movement this talk will provide practical tips to build exercise into their daily lives with takeaway exercise programmes for any level.

  • Stress 1 - Here we will cover the various sources of stress, the neuro-endo-immunological loop and key impacts of stress on health.

  • Toxin Removal - We will explore how toxins (environmental and chemical) can contribute to chronic health conditions and mental ill health, as well as identifying the top toxins and how to avoid them. 

  • Rest - Building on the first talk on stress this module deep dives into the gut/brain connection and how to avoid burnout.

  • Emotional Balance - This interactive session will give your employees some practical tips on achieving their own emotional balance including overcoming anxiety, overwhelm and procrastination.

  • Stress 2 - Our second stress instalment will focus on methods to regulate the Sympathetic Nervous System including calming practices and tips.

  • Success Mindset - Packed with practical tips to achieve a success mindset and transform your life this final presentation will leave your employees inspired and motivated to improve their health and wellbeing.


Lunch and Learn.

Full Circle Health & Wellness can deliver talks on a variety of subjects, virtually or in the office lasting 1 hour (or bespoke to your needs). 


Our presentations aim to not only inspire healthy sustainable lifestyle choices but educate audiences on why this is important. Your employees will walk away with practical tips and easy to implement changes at home and at work that they can implement immediately to improve their health and wellbeing.



  • Destress - ways to manage stress and avoid burnout

  • Detox your life - a holistic approach to detoxification

  • Your second brain - the gut brain connection and importance of the microbiome 

  • Healthy weight, healthy body - top contributors to achieving your optimal weight (touches on diet/nutrition, exercise, toxins & stress)

  • Female focus - hormonal balance and women’s health

  • Beat the 3pm crash - regulating blood sugar and optimising energy levels through with foundation of all diets

  • 9 to thrive - top 3 activities to build into your working day to improve your health & wellbeing

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